Tuesday 4 November 2008

Barack Obama, the Kitchen Sink and Peace

This morning I was in Barack Obama's home. I was there with him and his whole family and Francis and I had eaten breakfast with them. It was a bit chaotic, what with the elections today n'all, but it was cornflakes all round and a lot of excited calling to one another.

In the kitchen Barack Obama was washing up in a huge sink of warm soapy water. He turned to me, announcing that it was really important to wash up, and to be seen to be washing up. No, he didn't want his wife to do it. Nor did he want Francis or me to do it. He was doing what he should do before going out to face the world on the day of the Presidential Election.

I quipped: "Mr Obama, you should bring the boys home from Iraq so that they can also wash up in their homes". He stopped what he was doing, dried his hands, fixed me with his twinkly eyes and said: "Hey, that's good. Really good. I think perhaps you should come and work for me".

Well, that's how I spent the last few minutes of sleep this morning. Dreaming I was influencing world peace and gender politics. It was just a dream, but I wonder whether today perhaps might hold the key to some great global shifts. I sure hope so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep the dream alive Rosemary. He needs all the help he can get, as he will be sending those troop into Afghanistan instead.